Sleeping in, nestled under the covers
Stretching as the sun warms my eyes
Hearing the church bells ring down the street
And the leaves rustling in the trees
Licking chocolate chip dough from my fingers
The smell of banana bread in the oven
A clean house
Flowers in a vase on the shelf,
All different colors
Not having to bundle up,
The sun's peeking through
Watching the horses graze
In the long grass of our field
The dog lazing in the yard.
The smell of home, and their voices
Of those I know love me
Running next to my Dad, and thankful
I can hear his steady breaths
On the road to recovery
Able to make these memories
Sitting next to you, if even for a minute
Wishing you a good day
Kissing you softly on the lips
Looking at your smile
Looking forward to our future together
Laughing even as my fingertips are freezing
At the sheer joy of flying down the road
The engine beneath me roaring
As we go for one last ride until spring
Now back at home, many things accomplished
Snuggled comfortably into my couch
A movie plays, and the bed will soon call
A good day overall,
Good night.
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