


Some we can see
On the surface of skin
Reminders of memories
Of childhood, of learning
Of memories and regrets
Some of resolution, other determination
Born out of recklessness, fear
Daring and sorrow.

Others, we will never see
Buried down deep
These skeletons; Lines across our chest
Loss and broken hearts
The lashings of broken trust
Of things of which
Our lips will not speak
They are carried by all
Some heavier than others.

Some will fade
Over months, over years
Some will heal
But always be fresh
In our minds, in our souls
Until our last breath

I cannot speak for all
Each have their own unique set
As different as the soul
Who carries them
But I can speak for mine.
The ones you can't see
Of loneliness and hurtful words
Of years of living with a reflection in the mirror
I hated.

The scars of a woman
Who smashed that mirror
Picked up the pieces of herself
And putting together
Something that was still part of her;

But the image now reflected
Was one I could smile at;
One I could live with, still Me
And yet, something new, something proud
To wear those scars

I cannot speak for you
Our experiences differ
But I'll hold your hand within my own
I'll open my heart to let you in
Along with those old wounds
For they are as much a part of you
As the beating heart I listen to
While my head lies upon your chest

They may not heal, but maybe I hope
A little they may fade
Your smile will show
The joy I have to be with you
The peace I hope to give

The love reflected
Within the last broken pieces
Forming something beautiful and shared
We hold each other close
We meld the pieces together, like our hearts
Until whole, they beat as one.

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