

Inner Beauty

Reading me like an open book
You just need to have another look
Looking down deep, seeing the real me

All my emotions are in your view
The saddness I've felt, you've felt it too.
Pain from heartbreak and loss, seems to have no end

Finally, you reach my heart
Too many times it has been ripped apart
It is ready for a fresh new start

You seem to know I'm ready
For a love so rare and true
That only you could give

We have come so far
In this journey of love
It's all that we have ever wanted

Our hearts
Are just as one
Inner beauty shining like the sun


Fat vs. skinny

The fat girl glares in envy At the one the world calls skinny
And the skinny girl glares back At the one the world calls fat

Fatty wants the slender neck Skinny wants the breasts
Fatty wants the tiny tummy Skinny wants the rest

Fatty wants the tiny waist ,Fatty wants to breathe
Fatty wants to be the oneThe world would call pretty

But there are secrets That fatty doesn't know
Like the dreams of skinnyAnd why she feels so low

Skinny may be smallBut she wants to gain some weight
So don't call a small girl skinny It's sometimes a very big mistake

Fat girls may look to skinny And release an angry sigh
But tiny girls who can't gain weight Can kiss an ass goodbye

So the next time you look in a mirror And start to curse your flaws
Remember there are girls in this world That look to you in awe

We can't always be what we want to be We can't always look the same
Feelings are so much more important So don't call each other names

Appearances don't last foreverBut scars always remain
So hug your body close Because it's beautiful all the same

All the cellulite in the world And all the bones showing through skin
Shouldn't stop the smiles That would have, could have been.

rasa minder atau tidak percaya diri itu selalu datang memperkosa fikiran para wanita. wanita selalu ingin tampil cantik dan menarik, apalagi jika wanita wanita di sekelilingnya laku di pasaran atau digilai para pria ketimbang dirinya. rata-rata pria itu visual. yang pertama di lihatnya dari seorang wanita adalah fisiknya. hanya luarnya saja terlebih dulu, soal sikap dan pribadi si wanita itu nomer kedua .
wajah cantik ,tubuh langsing, kulit putih ,dada montok dan pantat semok adalah hal-hal umum yang pertama membuat mata para pria berkeling bahkan jelalatan.

banyak wanita yang mati matian ingin tampil cantik melakukan segala cara untuk memuaskan batinnya sendiri. karena wanita suka sekali di panggil cantik.
dan faktanya, wanita yang bertubuh kurus menganggap dirinya cantik, dan menganggap gemuk itu tidak cantik. gemuk itu sama sekali tidak menarik, mereka beranggapan bahwa gemuk itu tidak akan dilirik pria.

maka beberapa wanita bermoto "I love being skinny" hingga ada juga mereka yang melakuan extreme diet, bahkan lebih parahnya ada beberapa kasus yang disebut bulimia , anorexia, atau eating disorder, para wanita yang mengagungkan tubuh kurus, rela memuntahkan kembali semua makanan yang baru saja mereka makan

lalu bagaimana nasib wanita-wanita yang biasa-biasa saja atau berbadan gemuk? apakah mereka akan dilirik pria juga? tentu iya. tapi para pria butuh waktu untuk menyukai mereka. biasanya para pria harus PDKT. dan biasanya hanya pria pintar dan pria yang mengerti bahwa kecantikan bukan dilihat dari wajah atau ukuran tubuh saja.

banyak contoh nyata yang sering saya lihat, bahkan pernah saya alami sendiri. bahwa wanita bertubuh gemuk itu malah dijadikan bahan lelucon teman-temannya. jika kamu gemuk, dan teman teman kamu semuanya kurus, maka kamulah yang akan dijadikan lelucon, atau bahkan di ejek. meskipun mungkin ada orang lain yang lebih gemuk dari kamu, tetap saja kamu yang jadi bahan ejekan.
sampai disini. saya mengerti. mengapa para wanita yang biasa biasa saja lebih sering sakit hati dan lebih cepat minder.

but ladies isn't make isn't always about your heights or your look.
cantik yang sebenarnya ada dalam diri kamu. dan kamu hanya perlu menunjukannya keluar.

note: dan karena akan selalu ada wanita cantik di sekeliling kita. maka kita hanya perlu mendapatkan pria yang tidak perduli dengan kecantikan mereka.


long distance , wrong distance

Have I ever told you
that if I sit really still and silent,
sometimes. I like to think
I can hear your heart beating
in time with mine?

Have I ever told you
that when I watch you speak to me
through lines and cords,
and bytes and ram,
I imagine
your voice,
whispering into my ear?

Have I ever told you
that I wait out each day
in anticipation,
only an hour or two,
just a second in space and time,
to feel close to you?

Have I ever told you
that there has been times,
when I ached for you,
ached for you so badly,
that the emotions overwhelmed me..
and so I sat and cried?

Have I ever told you
that sometimes,
I will reach out,
touching your name
on this cold screen before me,
I could reach in
and pull you to me?

Have I ever told you
that after the first time I heard
the sound of your voice,
thousands of miles away,
I sat up all night,
turning the conversation over and over
in my mind,
examining it,
like some newly discovered species of flower?

Have I ever told you
that I would give everything up,
just for one night
to be able to lay near you,
to feel your chest rise and fall
with each breath you take,
just to know that you are real?

Have I ever told you
that I dream of you often,
I dream of you reaching out
and touching my hand,
simply to let me know
that you are there,
and everything is okay?

Have I ever told you,
have I still yet to tell you . . .
that I love you?

i'm tired so let me be broken

she's crying in the corner again
headphones blasting angry lyrics
to drown out everyone else around her
memories are flooding back
things hardly anyone understands

depression is such a monster
it clings to her like a leech
she's scared she'll never be rid of it
but she keeps up the fake smiles and laughter
because the facade is so much easier

she's watched so many she loves
be dropped into the ground
like the petals you pull off daisies
asking if he/she loves you or not
(how often has that answer been not?)

verbal scars still cling to her ears
and remain fresh in her mind
'go kill yourself!' 'you're worthless!'
taunting her day after day
no matter how hard she tries to bury them

she knows a lot of people have it much worse
some of them she talks to everyday
she hasn't been raped, beaten, starving
or suffered through any kind of disaster
but her pain is still there

but it's okay
her life is just dandy
(if you ask anyone else)

You're my muse

like a man out at sea
i can appreciate the ocean
but i've found it much closer to home
inside your shimmering crystal eyes

like a painter with a canvas
i used my fingers as a brush
all around your pale body
to paint a picture of our love

like the farmer planting his crop
we've sown our seeds of love on each other
and watered them with tears and kisses
with the hope we'll grow stronger together

Long love distance

I wish body pillows
Acted like teleportation devices
And when you clutched yours
It would put me beside you

I wish blankets
Were like magic carpets
And we could use ours
To fly to one another

I wish computer screens
Would let us reach to others
And I could pull you through
And into my arms

I wish we could feel each other
When we clutch pillows and blankets
And pretend they're each other
So our dreams can somewhat come true


The Beach

saya sangat suka pantai. siapa yang tidak
saya suka dengar debur ombaknya, seperti bunyi kata-kata merdu . buih ombak yang loncat ke udara , seperti percik rasa suka.
dengan hanya dengan menatap lepas ke hamparan lautan, 
pantai menyulap duka jadi suka.

tapi tidak selalu begitu, pantai kadang juga menjadi tempat aku melarikan diri. memanjakan rasa sedih yang akut. mendramatisir rasa sedih yang kronis. 
berjalan di pasir pantai dan melihat kembali bekas jejak kaki saya lalu berlari sekencang mungkin,menenggelamkan diri jauh lebih dalam ke kesedihan.



Memories are something we all hold onto. Keep the GOOD ones. Let go of the Bad ones. Make room for the NEW ones.

Let's pretend

Lets pretend you love me,
Lets pretend its true,
Lets pretend we're happy,
Make believe green is blue,
Pretend that things are fair,
Pretend that they are right,
Pretend that you are in my heart,
If only for tonight,
Lets pretend we're happy,
Lets pretend we're free,
To make our own choices,
In this world of greed,
For nothing ever goes right,
Nothings ever fair,
Just remember that in the sky,
The stars are always there,
Lets pretend I love you,
Lets pretend its true,
Lets make believe for just one time,
That our lies can tell the truth.

We were only pretend

aku datang untuk memberimu sebungkus kue cinta yang kubuat susah payah di pagi hari.
maksudku, agar kamu kenyang dan tidak bosan saat bertemu denganku. aku tau kamu selalu bosan.
jadi kulakukan apa saja agar kamu betah berlama-lama denganku.

aku tau kamu selalu pura-pura membuat ku bahagia.
bahagia itu apa sih buat kamu? bahagia itu gimana sih buat kamu?

aku tidak bisa berhenti tersenyum saat di dekatmu. senyum itu hadir tanpa permisi. dengan kamu yang selalu rumit, aku bisa terus tersenyum. bisa kamu bayangkan jika kamu benar benar tulus membalas senyumku?aku mungkin mati kelak dengan senyuman.

katamu, aku terlalu romantis.
katamu, aku terlalu menyukai kamu.

aku meng-iya.
memang begitu adanya.
aku bisa apa?

katamu, kita akan terus begini. samar.
bingar yang nanar.
katamu, aku harus keluar,dan berhenti menemui kamu. berhenti bersikap romantis,
dan katamujuga , kue cinta yang selalu ku buat itu bodoh. kamu tidak suka. kamu pura-pura, selama ini kamu pura-pura menyukai.

kamu menikmati.

aku?aku pun ternyata tukang pura-pura
aku pura-pura amnesia , aku pura-pura lupa akan kenyataan bahwa kamu cuma pura-pura.


Let Go

The memories of the past never seem to fade,
and all the while, the feelings only seem to grow.
It all cuts deep into me, like the sharpest blade,
and yet, it all happened so long ago.

I want to let go, but I'm so afraid,
There are just so many things I want you to know.
The emotions I have, just seem to cascade,
These are the feelings, I don't want to show.

My mind seems to wander, it will never evade,
I can't seem to forget, how much I need you so.
Happiness eludes me, it's such a charade,
Sometimes I wish I could shift time and fore-go.

My thoughts play out like a full masquerade,
followed by guilt and endless sorrow.
Maybe one day though, I'll be unafraid,
and I'll finally have the courage, to just let go.